Can Jim Canterucci Help You Become a Stronger Change Leader?
If you’re a leader, you’ve no doubt faced a large change initiative. In addition to being a great leader, you need to be a successful change leader. Even well-lead change can be painful. How do you approach becoming a great change leader?
I’d like to introduce you to the Market Leadership Journal’s newest partner, Jim Canterucci. The focus of Jim’s firm, Transition Management Advisors, is to develop leadership capabilities to create a championship culture, generate innovation, and successfully lead the resulting changes.
Jim is teaming with us to provide a 7-part Change Leadership Web Series designed to ensure successful change leadership.
While Jim teaches change leadership, he also lives it himself taking on select change initiatives that are difficult and outside the norm each year. In these projects, Jim acts as an executive advisor while also integrating his systems into your methodology. He models how to use his techniques for the current change initiative, as well as for all future initiatives. These change initiatives have an impact on markets, customers, structure and strategy.
Some recent examples of Jim’s organizational change leadership projects include:
- Changing the behavior of a hospital system’s physicians as new technology is introduced
- Creation of a new organizational structure for a manufacturing service organization
- Changing the relationship between IT and the business
- Introduction of a healthcare patient portal requiring behavior change for professionals, staff and patients
- Implementation of an ERP system in multiple countries
For the next seven weeks, Jim will post seven articles based on his Change Leadership curriculum. Following the seven posts, Jim will lead a 7-part web series that brings you Change Leadership education in a convenient and practical way. The focus is on application of a solid change leadership methodology and analysis of the approaches you use in the field.
In his first blog, Jim shares his insight about what makes a Change Leader and the levels of change leadership competency. You’ll want to be here next week on Monday to read his first blog. Click here to learn more and register for the 7-part Change Leadership web series. See you here next week.
Jim also offers a free subscription to his “Saturday morning message” via email. Each Saturday morning, Jim shares thoughts and ideas about leadership that have emerged during individual CEO and executive sessions throughout his career. The idea is to take 15 minutes to read the Saturday morning email message and focus on you and your growth as a leader. Your time is valuable and these could be the best 15 minutes of your week! Click here to sign up for the Saturday morning message.
See you here Monday when we start the series of articles on leading change from Jim. Have a great weekend!
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