Market Leadership Journal Begins Featuring Diane Conklin and Gail Saseen

I first heard Diane Conklin speak at a national conference and knew I had to introduce her and her business partner, Gail Saseen, to my readers. Their expertise in marketing and business strategy fits in well with what you’ve told me you wanted to see on this blog. We’ll be presenting a series of blogs written by Diane and Gail discussing many of your biggest business challenges, including how to implement changes faster, how to make better decisions, and get better results for your time invested. Both have been very effective at implementing social media programs for their clients that integrate direct response marketing with interactive media. They’ve launched many marketing campaigns that have exceeded seven figures in sales.

Join me in welcoming Diane and Gail as the newest guest bloggers at Market Leadership Journal. Their blogs will appear every Wednesday. From time to time, they’ll be offering special supplementary materials and webinars that complement the blogs. So don’t miss a single week! I’ve attached a copy of their bio below for your review. Their first blog will appear in this space on Thursday, don’t miss it.

Diane Conklin and Gail Saseen are internationally known marketing and business strategists. They are authors, entrepreneurs, marketing coaches, consultants, speakers, and direct mail experts, who excel at showing small business owners and entrepreneurs how to grow their businesses.
As direct response marketing experts, Diane & Gail specialize in showing small business owners, entrepreneurs and others, how to integrate their marketing strategies, media and methods to get maximum results from their marketing dollars.

Diane and Gail consistently help small business owners grow their companies to the next level, and have taken multiple companies to six and seven figures in their businesses in a year, or less, by developing smart marketing plans and strategies for those businesses. They consistently develop marketing campaigns that produce in excess of $1,000,000.00.

Diane and Gail also coach and consult with entrepreneurs and small business owners to provide them with solutions to their business challenges, affordable marketing strategies, product development, program management, social media marketing, and list generation and management practices.
They will change the way you think about your business.

Through their company, Complete Marketing Systems, Gail and Diane offer a wide range of programs and services – from strategic marketing planning, list management, copywriting, direct mail, product development, staff training, systems development, implementation techniques, to seminar, workshop and event marketing, planning, and management.

Diane and Gail were awarded the title of 2010-2011 Marketers of the Year for their outstanding work in helping other companies grow their social media and other marketing strategies.

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