Client Successes

We work with clients to achieve results they want. Some of our clients successes include:

  • Provided clients with an extensive knowledge base and network across many industries that allowed for increased speed and accuracy in entering new markets. Facilitated strategic product development framework to speed up new product development by 100%. Project resulted in new one billion dollar product portfolio. Product team awarded client’s Chairman Team Award for innovation in new product design and development.
  • Advised numerous Fortune 2000 software and emerging technology clients on how to attract, identify, develop, and retain key leaders across their organizations. Consulted with several organizations on leadership development strategies and breakthrough executive competencies.
  • Developed key strategic alliances with several market leading companies within the emerging technology markets to decrease product adoption cycles which in turn increased sales and corporate profitability.
  • Our success at identifying, interviewing, evaluating, and developing executive leaders across a number of industries led to our being invited to lecture on breakthrough executive competencies to the National Defense University Leadership Faculty at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces in Washington, DC.
  • Coached executive leadership team through change management initiative. Responsible for development of strategic communications program that was used to elicit employees’ buy-in and insure retention of key employees by developing succession planning process for new organization. Created real time assessments to measure progress on change initiative.
  • Developed client’s intellectual property-based rapid processing technology sales training, team selling process, lead generation, regional market development, and technical support strategies. This project increased sales by 35% and decreased the cost of a sales call by 15%.