Tripp Braden

Happy Father's Day! What did you learn from your dad?

Happy Father’s Day, What did your learn from your Dad?

I’ve always loved Father’s Day. It always me of my father and many of my friend’s fathers. As I get older it’s funny how similar the men in my life resemble our dads. My father would have been 90 this year. 

How do you serve clients over the course of your career?

How Are You Serving Your Clients or Customers Today?

I’ve made a major transition in my life over the past several months. You may have noticed I haven’t been around as much online. I’m taking my career in a new direction, one that I believe serves my friends, clients, and partners more effectively. A direction where I work more…

What path will serving leaders find to a brighter future?

A New Direction, a New Way of Serving Other Leaders Today

I’ve been working with Berkshire Hathaway since 1986 when Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger bought a mentor’s business. On the strength of this relationship I’ve been lucky enough to work with many great financial service organizations’ leaders for the past 30 years. I’ve also been blessed to work with many…

Understanding shared values can help you build a better sales team!

Are shared values the key to hiring great sales professionals?

Depending on your business, a sales professional can cost your organization between $75,000 and $1,000,000 to hire, onboard and get them up to speed. What’s the shortcut for hiring great people for your sales team? I discovered hiring people based on similar shared values can provide your sales team an…

How can you increase trust with clients though better partners?

Great Partners Can Help You Increase Trust with Clients!

For professional advisors it’s critical to know how to build successful partnerships with other firms with complementary capabilities. The net worth of your practice is directly proportional to the network of qualified, professional partners you have. Successful advisors can build trust through their partnerships!

Let’s celebrate your microbiz success in 2019 and beyond!

11 Minutes to Accelerate Growth in Your Microbiz in 2019!

This Friday is #MicroBizMatters Day in the UK. I’ve participated for the past several years by sharing content and new ideas for my friends in the UK. I also wear out my fingers retweeting and sharing other people’s great ideas on what works in a Microbiz. You can find these…

Is digital prospecting going to change your relationship with your clients?

How Digital Prospecting Can Help New Financial Advisors!

I work with financial service and insurance organizations on developing their next generation of financial advisors. I consult with insurance carriers, banks, independent agencies and commercial brokerages on their business development strategies. The last several years have focused on attracting, onboarding, and developing new team members and new producers. I…

How do you grow your practice in 2019?

5 Tools Financial Advisors Can Use to Grow Your Practice in 2019

How do you grow your practice in 2019? I just had a great conversation with a financial advisor who wanted to know what new ideas I had for growing his practice in 2019.  I guess he thought a hip and cool guy like me must know something he didn’t. I…

How do you remember Stan Lee?

How Do You Remember Stan Lee?

I got the news that Stan Lee had passed on Monday. He was one of my favorite writers of all times.  When I was younger, I collected original comic book art and comic books. It was a great hobby and gave me access to many of my personal heroes growing…