Introducing Kaylene Mathews
What are the most critical needs for growing organizations today? As the world continues changing, it is critical to help develop leaders who can work well on teams, but also be leaders in their own right. As we see many of our mid-level leaders moving towards retirement, many of our organizations have to develop the next generation of leaders faster in a more cost effective way. I believe this is why coaching will continue to grow in impact and importance for our organizations. That’s why I’m introducing Kaylene Mathews as our newest guest blogger.
I’m always looking for people who bring new skills and capabilities to our Market Leadership Journal readers. One of the most common requests I get from our readers is to find leaders who can share their experiences working with high performing teams. I see many changes happening in leadership today and I was hoping to find an individual who not only understands the changes we are facing, but are working with larger organizations to help them develop the next generation of their leaders.
I feel lucky and blessed to find this in one person, Kaylene Mathews. She brings a wide range of professional experience on leadership development and developing high performing teams. I thought it might be helpful to introduce her by interviewing her today and, starting next week, she begins sharing her ideas and her passions about leadership.
Her corporate clients include: Frito-Lay, Tenet Healthcare, Dean Foods, and many more. As an entrepreneur, she also leads and manages her own business, KSMLifeCoachingLLC out of Dallas, Texas. Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. She continued on to earn her Masters of Business Administration from the Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. And yes, she’s still a Buckeye!
For this introduction, I interviewed Kaylene Mathews. Let’s learn more about her in her own words.
Tripp: Tell us a little about yourself.
Kaylene: I’ve always been passionate about leadership and personal development. After spending several years in the corporate sector, I left and started my own company. I work with leaders as individuals and teams to assist them in developing them to their full potential, both personally and professionally.
Tripp: How do you work with clients?
Kaylene: I work with my clients in a couple of ways.
- The first is coaching. I partner with individuals and teams using a creative, thought provoking approach. I provide accountability and insightful observations to bring clarity to their situation. We always begin with assessing their current state and determining where they want to go. We then work together to develop a plan to close the gap. Meeting on a regular basis provides them the accountability they need to see significant progress in a short amount of time.
- The second is training. I’m often hired by companies to train and/ or speak on a variety of leadership development topics. My presentations are always interactive and hands on. My goal is for everyone to leave changed, better equipped, and empowered to lead.
Tripp: What types of clients do you work with?
Kaylene: I’ve worked with a variety of middle to upper level managers and leaders. My individual clients come to me after they realize they aren’t getting the results they want on their own. They’ve figured out that they need time to reflect for purposes of moving forward with wisdom. Coaching provides the space and opportunity to do just that. They’ve also figured out that being held accountable is the most effective way to meet a deadline, especially one they’ve set for themselves.
Tripp: How do clients know when they need help?
Kaylene: My corporate clients come to me when they need a fresh new approach to energize and develop their teams. Since I’m a coach by training, my development training often involves the whole individual, not just the professional side. After my presentations, participants will approach me to tell me how they had a new self or situation awareness that will impact them going forward beyond just their professional life.
Tripp: How do you share your message with others?
Kaylene: In addition to coaching and training, I also write on the topic of personal and leadership development. I share ideas and suggestions that can be immediately applied. My goal is the same as my client’s – impact and results.
Tripp: What excites you about working with other people?
Kaylene: I’m passionate about people developing their talents and abilities to be everything they were meant to be. I love what I do because I get to be a part of helping them to make that happen.
Tripp: You can read more about Kaylene and her philosophies about life and business in her first book called If You Only Knew What You Can Do at her website or at get the ebook at Amazon.com.
Starting next week on Thursday, Kaylene Mathews will be sharing a short series on leadership development, including the topics:
- Personal development
- Developing others (developing the individuals on the team)
- Team development (tying it all together to make a high performance team)
See you here tomorrow.
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