Business Development

How will anticipatory partnerships transform your next car purchase?

Will Anticipatory Partnerships Change Automotive Forever?

Last week we talked about creating more anticipatory partnerships. You can find the article at Is Automotive Ready for Anticipatory Partnerships?  The two foundational elements are Know What’s Next and then Develop and Seize New Opportunities. If you just embrace these two concepts, you’re half way to market leadership. Your transformational ideas…

“I Need More Clients Like THAT Guy!”

I recall a conversation with a client who owns a bookkeeping service company. While their client base is consistent in terms of size (small businesses, of course), they are still fairly diverse in the kinds of individuals and businesses they serve. That said, the owner was describing one client whom…

How do you build successful strategic partnerships?

How Do You Grow Through Better Strategic Partnerships?

How do you evaluate your strategic partnerships? What makes most successful partnerships exceed your expectations? I been involved with many successful strategic partnerships in my career. I’ve worked on both large and small strategic partnerships.

What skills do you need for team selling success?

What Skills Do You Need for Team Selling Success?

I believe the biggest sales trend of 2016 and beyond is team selling. Every executive I talk with asks me what trend has the largest impact on revenue growth for 2016.  I share with them that sales has become a team sport. Team selling is going to change the way…

What do great salespeople want?

What Do Great Sales People Want From Their Leaders?

What does it take to build a great sales organization? We all know how important it is have a successful sales team if you hope to grow a great business. In today’s changing business environment, what does it take to attract and retain great sales people?

Can better questions help organize your priorities?

Can Better Questions Can Make You a Stronger Leader?

How do you increase your influence over others? How do you build stronger relationships with the key people in your life? What’s the one tool that can help separate good leaders from the great? Great questions help you become a stronger leader today.

How much do you know about your market?

How Much Do You Know About Your Market?

To create successful marketing messages, you must know your market. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? How well do you know your market? Most successful entrepreneurs understand their markets or they couldn’t remain in business.

How do you build a better marketing message today?

How Do You Build a Better Marketing Message?

How can you get your marketing message heard above the crowd?  Many of the people you are trying to connect with are exposed to over 30,000 messages a day. How can you connect with your best clients today?