What Major Sales Trend Should You Leverage To Grow?

What major sales trend should you leverage?What major sales trend should you leverage?

What major sales trend will entrepreneurs need to grow their business faster over the next six months? We are seeing several key trends emerging that can help you increase your sales and profits more quickly.

There are many opportunities for new profitable growth if leaders choose to take advantage of these critical major sales trends. So try picking one major sales trend from the following five to focus on in the coming three months.

The first major sales trend is more key and strategic accounts are becoming available for your business. With all the merger and acquisition activity going on, there is significant key account business available for your sales team to win. You should consider pulling together your strategic account teams and plan how to approach these critical customers.

The second major sales trend is clients are looking for their suppliers to provide innovation and new opportunities to their business. How does your sales force work with clients? Are they helping their clients to be more innovative? This trend offers your business a different relationship with your better clients. The challenge is that many sales professionals are still focusing on price versus sharing the unique value you bring to you best clients.

The third major sales trend is big data is evolving into small data when it comes to growing your revenue. Successful sales teams need real time intelligence to help them better understand what is happening inside their best clients and markets. Cross functional business teams need to share information to help your organization react in real time. There are several ways to do this and we will be sharing several ideas over the next couple of weeks to get you on your way.

The fourth major sales trend is specialization in different aspects of the business development process. Many sales teams now have team members that are experts on the early sales development process that helps managers deploy their sales teams in a highly focused approach. Inside sales teams are capable of creating highly qualified meetings for external sales professionals.

In many cases, companies are closing business without ever meeting the perspective clients. Today, these sales development professionals can effectively manage early stages of the sales process and significantly decrease the cost of sales.

Are you preparing your organization for a team based approach to selling? I have several clients and partners have achieved incredible results leveraging this major sales trend in their business development efforts.

The fifth major sales trend is the continuing rise of millennials into senior leadership roles. New millennial leaders in your clients continue to build a new way of buying products and services. Over the next year, we will see many baby boomers retire from many of our best clients. These emerging millennial leaders will also be looking for a way to show their leadership in their new roles.

For millennial leaders, personal and professional agendas merge to create a significant opportunity for potential partners. Great sales professionals are proficient at building a bridge to a customer that includes their client’s agenda.

Have you implemented a client nurturing and retention process to create stronger networks within your best clients? Your future clients may be looking for a new provider as boomers retire. Many client executives feel these retirements are a great opportunity to review vendor contracts and relationships.

Are you prepared to resell many of your long term clients? Do you know what your strategic accounts do for your business bottom line? Being proactive in your key account selection process can provide you a higher level of sales and profits.

Over the next 60 days, we will help you leverage a major sales trend to accelerate your sales and profits. See you next week.

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