How to Market with Newsletters

We’ve talked about how social media is changing the way we communicate with our clients and customers on a regular basis. Social media is changing the frequency of communications, but is it improving the quality of communications?  Sometimes, you need to provide more information to your clients and partners than 140 characters.  I’ve found that newsletters are a great way to provide value and service.  Over the next several weeks, I’ll be sharing some information with you about using newsletters in your marketing.  I’ve found them to be so effective that I found a great partner to help you get your newsletter off the ground.

 In the past, I’ve used newsletters to educate, train, and share with my best partners and clients. For many of my technology partners, it gave them a chance to sit down and get updated on what’s happening in our business, as well as how it might be impacting their opportunities. My newsletters were personal and focused on their needs. I would have a small column nestled among the articles, but I used it more to help them improve their overall business and life performance than a place to sell my services. I found my clients and partners would keep the newsletters so they could refer back to them.  It kept our name in front of them.  Once a month, I got a chance to share something that would help them increase their sales and profits. It worked out well and it provided my company with an advantage over the other companies in my markets. With all the high tech out there, my newsletter had high touch.  

Even though a lot of companies are using social media to market their products and services, many don’t allow their own employees to use social media from the office.  How are you reaching those prospective clients?  Social media and newsletters are a powerful combination to increase the chances of being found by prospects and retained by your current best customers.  Next week I kick off a series of articles on how a great newsletter can retain your customers, build top of mind awareness, and increase your sales.  I know it sounds like an awful lot to promise, but Jim Palmer is called the Newsletter Guru for a reason.  I believe so strongly in what he has to offer, I became a partner myself.  Check back on Monday for the next installment on five secrets to a great newsletter.

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