Articles by Tripp Braden

Can emotions help you build stronger connections to your ideal clients?

How do you connect with your ideal clients through emotion?

Your ideal clients are currently operating in overload. They are overworked and underappreciated.  I was talking to an entrepreneur earlier this week about how marketing is changing in this pandemic. He was genuinely concerned about his future and that of his organization.   I started my sales career door to…

How will your website support your growth goals in the coming years?

Is Your Website Helping You Grow Your Business in 2020?

How has the recent crisis changed the way you go to market? What role does your website have in your business’s future growth? For many businesses, their websites have not been updated for several years. Their material seems out of date. Basic information is difficult to find.  In many cases,…

Can Nicolas Babin help you through your digital transformation efforts?

Introducing Nicolas Babin, Digital Storyteller and Market Innovator

What role does artificial intelligence have in the future of market leadership? I’ve seen the rise of a new kind of business executive, one that is at home working with technology teams and their best customers. Nicolas Babin represents this kind of entrepreneurial leadership. Leverage digital storytelling and emerging technologies….

Can digital marketing help get your business growing again in 2020?

How to Leverage Digital Marketing Capabilities to Increase Sales in 2020!

How do you leverage digital marketing capabilities to get your business back on track in 2020? It’s been a tough 90 days for many entrepreneurs, both big and small. I’ve had a number of lengthy conversations with a wide range of  CXOs. They feel challenged by the current market conditions….

How do you manage in times of uncertainty?

How are small business owners and accountants managing uncertainty?

How are you managing uncertainty today? Take time out to spend an hour learning more about what other small businesses and accountants are doing to take advantage of this new business environment. You can join us at SAGE Twitter Chat on Tuesday, April 14, at 1:00 EST at #sageinpire  to…

Serving leaders can leverage emotional intelligence to help deal with COVID-19.

Can Emotional Intelligence Help Leaders Deal with COVID-19?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) can help you better prepare for COVID-19 in the coming weeks and months. For serving leaders, it’s an opportunity to develop a stronger connection and relationships with your team. People are afraid. They’re concerned COVID-19 is running rampant and there’s nothing they can do. It reminds me…

Help Us Celebrate Your Microbiz Success on January 10, 2020!

How to leverage your unique strengths in your #Microbiz in 2020!

January 10, 2020 is Microbiz Matters Day in the UK. It’s a day when all of us can celebrate the power of our micro businesses to help transform the world.  We define a microbiz as a business with less than ten employees. There are over 4.6 million micro businesses  the…

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! How Do You Create Your Leadership Vision in 2020?

How do you create a vision for the next stage of your life? Can you combine your unique strengths, gifts, and life experiences to have impact for the rest of your life? Will your vision allow you to accomplish things that you have only dreamed of? Your vision is highly…