How can entrepreneurs improve their critical leadership skills in 2021?

Developing great leadership skills can accelerate your business growthDeveloping great leadership skills can accelerate your business growth

What leadership skills are required to build your business in 2021? How do you build a better you in 2021? I’ve spent the last 6 weeks working with clients on growing their business in 2021. We put together action plans and created go to market strategies for the coming year.

What might we have left out that ensures they reach their goals? For many, the discussions did get to the execution level. What leadership skills must be focused on to help individuals lead their teams more effectively.

Structure helps your teams improve

I recently heard Marshall Goldsmith talking about the current business environment. He said something interesting that might be a good lesson for all of us to understand. I’m paraphrasing here. Marshall said people need more structure, not less in times of uncertainty. He felt to get the best performance out of people during these times you must be constantly monitoring the environment to help develop key skills and structures in your team members. 

Not exactly what you would expect from one of the world ‘s great leadership thinkers. I’ve known Marshall Goldsmith for over 20 years. When he shares his insights on leadership, effective coaches find ways to implement his suggestions. You can find more information about Marshall Goldsmith at his website

His executive coaching gets results or, as he says with his serious voice, he doesn’t get paid. Marshall doesn’t like not being paid for work he’s done. Marshall Goldsmith is great at simplifying complex ideas. He makes it fun to learn. The  hallmark of a gifted coach.

What leadership skills do you need in 2021? 

I recently found a list of leadership skills Marshall Goldsmith and his coaches work on with his many executive coaching clients. I’ve added a few more from my own coaching clients. This comprehensive list helps you put together your leadership development plan for the coming year. I’ll share the 25 skills today.

Print this list out. Then mark four you want to improve in the coming year. Take your time, consider what skills have the most impact on your life and career. These are high impact skills that help transform your life and organization. They help you build a plan for a brighter future.

Leadership coaching can improve your performance

Here are the critical skills that effective leaders want to improve to become better leaders both at home and at work.  For most effective leaders, they need to have impact in both their personal and professional lives.

  1. Listen to different points of view with an open mind
  2. Learn how to attract, develop, and retain new team members
  3. Build trust
  4. Treat others with respect
  5. Stand up to individuals who undermine teamwork
  6. Develop executive presence
  7. Address conflict constructively and timely
  8. Create personal connection with team members
  9. Collaborate with others
  10. Develop and link team strategy to business strategy
  11. Stand up for what I believe in
  12. Learn how to use advisors more effectively
  13. Hold others accountable
  14. Present self with confidence
  15. Focus on the critical few issues
  16. Become more assertive
  17. Learn new ways to accelerate learning
  18. Take appropriate risks
  19. Build cross functional relationships
  20. Manage and leverage board members more effectively
  21. Become a better coach and mentor
  22. Match my leadership style to specific needs of others
  23. Present my point of view persuasively
  24. Maximize impact of advisors
  25. Become more decisive

Did you find four skills you want to improve in 2021? I know I did.  Next week I will talk about next steps in the process.

Are you wondering if coaching is right for your organization?  Maybe you can find out more in Can Warren Buffett Teach You About Coaching Leaders?

Most of Warren’s best managers (CXOs) are great coaching leaders in many different industries. They have been clients over the years and they just keep getting better at coaching their teams. 

See you in two weeks.

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