Business Ethics

What Makes a Gimmick?

One of the most significant challenges for B-to-B prospecting is getting your foot in the door. This is true whether you are seeking your next client or your next job. Prospects have so much coming at them so often that we have to work to get their attention. The Wedge…

If You’re Not Making Mistakes, You’re Fired.

Most people in their jobs or client relationships worry about “getting fired” for making mistakes. Indeed, if you are working and focused on desired outcomes, mistakes are inevitable.

What's the foundation of a great organization?

Rebuilding? Let’s Start with Your Foundation.

As I continue to teach prospecting and networking, I am amazed at how many seasoned professionals confess to “plateauing.” That is, they grew their businesses to a certain threshold of comfort, then stop. As you are hopefully well aware, if you are not growing, you are dying. There is no…

Are you volunteering?

Ten Lifelong Benefits of Volunteering, Part 2

Last week I introduced the first five of the ten lifelong benefits you can gain from volunteering your time and talents to your community. Here are my concluding points: 6. You can try things you never have before. Have you ever wondered how effective you might be at: Public speaking?…

Are you volunteering?

Ten Lifelong Benefits of Volunteering, Part 1

Recently I had the pleasure to participate in a roundtable discussion on networking. I, along with four other colleagues answered questions before an audience on the various approaches–and purposes–behind networking in a business context. Of course, what we all consistently emphasized was the value of being a giver, and it…

Don’t Just Tell Me What I Want to Hear

Don’t Just Tell Me What I Want to Hear

I remember an experience not too long ago, when I concluded a phone call with Charles, another business colleague, and upon hanging up, my heart sank. Upon our first connection over the phone about a year before, Charles had asked me if I was interested in learning more about his…

The Awful Truth about Networking

Here is the truth about networking: Not everyone you meet is necessarily going to feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know.

No Picture

Feelings are the Fuel

In the last article we talked about the importance of persistence and of not giving up—of how good things happen when you truly believe in what you offer, and have faith in yourself. This is all well and good, until you hit the wall.

What does it take to be an eagle?

“Once an Eagle…”

What does it mean to be totally committed? And when you personally are committed to a worthy goal, what are your chances of achieving it without the support–and an equal commitment–of those who are with you? I think a strong illustration of this dynamic is found in Scouting. I know…

Steve Mariotti speaking at the University of Michigan in 2012. Photo credit: UM Nonprofit and Public Management Center

Forget About Solving Problems

Ask yourself: “What is problem solving?” It’s about making something go away. The “problem” with problem-solving is that if that’s all you care about, then another problem will simply take its place.