Articles by Keith F. Luscher

What Makes a Gimmick?

One of the most significant challenges for B-to-B prospecting is getting your foot in the door. This is true whether you are seeking your next client or your next job. Prospects have so much coming at them so often that we have to work to get their attention. The Wedge…

If You’re Not Making Mistakes, You’re Fired.

Most people in their jobs or client relationships worry about “getting fired” for making mistakes. Indeed, if you are working and focused on desired outcomes, mistakes are inevitable.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Are You Fixing the Turkey or Just Bringing the Salad?

As we approach our nation’s annual ritual of Thanksgiving, through which we (hopefully) reflect with gratitude on all the blessings we Americans enjoy (amidst the celebration of family togetherness and dysfunction), it raises in my mind the question that so many families ask: “Who’s fixing the turkey this year?”

Referral Groups: To Join or Not to Join?

Because personal referrals are so much of what drives business in many professions, referral groups is very popular. These are typically tightly managed groups of non-competing professionals who meet on a regular basis to share ideas, contacts and referrals for potential business opportunities. Essentially, when you join the group, the group becomes your extended set of eyes and ears in the community, as you become for every other member.

Our Veterans: Sweat Equity in America

When it comes to our country, it is our veterans who have that “sweat equity” in our nation, and the freedoms we enjoy. Some are fortunate to have served in a way that largely kept them out of harms way; others, not so much.

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The Secret to Luck

When I graduated from college back in 1991, I had already been working as a communications manager for a medium-sized company ($75 million) for two years. Mind you, this was during a heavy recession: while many of my fellow graduates were looking to become looking at temporary positions as waiters or bank tellers, I was fortunate to be earning an above-average salary and had already accumulated a considerable amount of experience. You might say that it was luck. But was it?

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Don’t Look for a Job; Search for a Need.

Job seekers can learn a great lesson from sales people. A big part of that is being careful not to miss an opportunity that may be right under your nose.

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Temet Nosce (Warts and All)

Last week we began on the topic of “rebuilding”—which is what so many of us find ourselves doing these days. Some of us are doing so as a result of the slugging economy—either business has dropped off and we are attempting to add to our client base; or perhaps we…

What's the foundation of a great organization?

Rebuilding? Let’s Start with Your Foundation.

As I continue to teach prospecting and networking, I am amazed at how many seasoned professionals confess to “plateauing.” That is, they grew their businesses to a certain threshold of comfort, then stop. As you are hopefully well aware, if you are not growing, you are dying. There is no…

Client Testimonials: If They Write Them, They Won’t Come

We all know that client testimonials can be one of the best ways to grab the attention of prospects in your marketing. They give you credibility, they show you have a successful track record, and most importantly they reflect the feelings that your clients have when you have served them with success.