Articles by Keith F. Luscher

Are you volunteering?

Ten Lifelong Benefits of Volunteering, Part 2

Last week I introduced the first five of the ten lifelong benefits you can gain from volunteering your time and talents to your community. Here are my concluding points: 6. You can try things you never have before. Have you ever wondered how effective you might be at: Public speaking?…

Are you volunteering?

Ten Lifelong Benefits of Volunteering, Part 1

Recently I had the pleasure to participate in a roundtable discussion on networking. I, along with four other colleagues answered questions before an audience on the various approaches–and purposes–behind networking in a business context. Of course, what we all consistently emphasized was the value of being a giver, and it…

How do you stay in the game?

The Ball is Forever in Your Court. Don’t Drop It.

I don’t know if I’m belaboring the subject of making calls, but when it comes to our own challenges in overcoming call reluctance, part of me feels like it just cannot get too much attention. There is a saying (and I don’t know if it is very common) that goes,…

Can you boost your callback rate in three easy steps?

Boost Your Callback Rate in Three Easy Steps!

Okay, I am going to start with a confession here—if you are reading this article thinking that you are going to learn how to increase the callback rate at which prospects call you back, then I have deceived you. First, let’s re-emphasize a point from a previous article (“Accept it…

Don’t Just Tell Me What I Want to Hear

Don’t Just Tell Me What I Want to Hear

I remember an experience not too long ago, when I concluded a phone call with Charles, another business colleague, and upon hanging up, my heart sank. Upon our first connection over the phone about a year before, Charles had asked me if I was interested in learning more about his…

The Two Faces of Networking

We pointed out in the last article (The Awful Truth about Networking) that some people are more trusting than others. The fact is, not everyone you meet will feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know. In such cases, there is something missing…an element of trust…a relationship. Building…

The Awful Truth about Networking

Here is the truth about networking: Not everyone you meet is necessarily going to feel comfortable putting you in touch with everyone they know.

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Feelings are the Fuel

In the last article we talked about the importance of persistence and of not giving up—of how good things happen when you truly believe in what you offer, and have faith in yourself. This is all well and good, until you hit the wall.

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“Accept it, Dude…She’s NOT Gonna’ Call.”

When considering the importance of keeping the faith and not giving up, I was recently reminded of an experience I had with my son Jacob, who is now 21 and attending college at Ohio University. It was on a Saturday morning in an early spring, and at the time he was only 15. If you went outside that morning, you would have heard the familiar sound of lawnmowers could on every block—unless you were within an earshot of my house.

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Man Gives Right Arm to Meet with Prospect

Phil Reese, vice president of Small Business Payroll Services, LLC in Columbus, Ohio had a problem not unlike what many of you may be facing.

“For a number of years,” Phil says, “we did very well driving new business purely on referrals. But as the economy tumbled, I came to notice that those incoming calls were slowing dramatically…which meant that I had to increase my prospecting activity.”