market leadership

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A Different Way of Using Social Media to Grow Faster

There’s a lot of buzz about social media right now.  Books, seminars, classes, and speeches are all dedicated to helping you get thousands of people to follow you and read your posts, for a fee, of course!  All of these books and courses would be really helpful to you if…

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Turn Your Software Company into a High Growth Business

I don’t think anyone would argue with me that big changes are happening in the technology and software business world today.  Things that used to work don’t any more.  The number of things to do exceeds the time in which to do them.  You’re already stretched to the breaking point. …

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Remembering Coach Wooden

I share my thoughts on Coach Wooden at Extraordinary Partnerships today. I think building high performing teams is critical to your technology and software companies’ success. As small business leaders we have many responsibilities and leadership is critical to you success. For the small IT and software business you can…

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Big Lessons From 30 Years’ F…

Big Lessons From 30 Years’ Freelance Copywriting Use proven marketing tips to grow your tech business today

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Big Lessons From 30 Years’ Freelance Copywriting:

This  guest article is written by one of my favorite marketing experts and mentors Dan Kennedy. He is considered one of the top copywriters in the world. He  shares several ideas that will increase your response rates and make it easier to get your customers to take the action you want…

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Avoid the Twitter Trap!

by Keith F. Luscher Author, Prospect & Flourish Don’t get this headline wrong. I think Twitter is great, and use it myself (hence the icon link above). Often described as a “mini-blog,” Twitter is a social networking tool that uses the SMS text protocol (short messaging service) designed for mobile…