Rest in Peace Leonard Nimoy…Live Long and Prosper.


Star Trek’s ‘Vulcan Salute’ comes from the Jewish priestly blessing performed in synagogue on certain holidays (or, if you’re in Israel, every day). Leonard Nimoy introduced the greeting to the show himself based on what he’d seen in shul as a small child.

As you have likely heard by now, last Friday, February 27, we received the news of the passing of Leonard Nimoy, who truly gave the Star Trek character of Mr. Spock so much substance.

As a life-long trekker (I still prefer the term “trekkie,” but when you can’t beat ‘em…) I couldn’t help but give pause, say a prayer for his soul and his loved ones, and also give thanks for his work he did.

Which got me thinking as to why I have always been a fan of the 1960s show…and of everyone’s favorite character, Mr. Spock. Why is Spock, a half-human, half-vulcan so popular? For those of you who do not follow Star Trek, vulcans are a race that follow a tradition of total logic. They recognize the existence of emotions, but choose to keep those emotions suppressed. Spock identifies himself more as a vulcan, yet occasionally struggles with his “human” emotions.

This takes us back to a previous piece from some time ago, in which I quoted a paragraph from Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning (“Feelings are the Fuel”). At that time I put forth that when we are faced with challenges and are tempted to give up, we need to supplant those negative feelings with positive ones. These feelings, these emotions, that are tied to our purpose and channeled correctly will give us the “fuel” to press on.

Which begs the question: what does a vulcan do when he hits the wall, and feels like giving up? It’s kind of a trick question: according to logic, the “wall” doesn’t exist. As Mr. Spock once said, “There are always alternatives.” Giving up is simply not logical.

Of course, we humans have little trouble submitting to our emotions—an observation Spock has made time and again. Indeed, we’re all caught up in a Spock-like conflict of emotion and logic. We must recognize that our feelings and our hearts do fuel our efforts, but as we cultivate relationships in our business and personal lives, we must balance those feelings with logic and reason. In the complex  dynamic of human relationships (upon which business and sales are built), this is not only vitally important…it is highly ethical.

It is the most important component of building trust, and without trust, relationships cannot exist.

Which points back to one of the reasons a board of advisors can be so important. When we create and execute plans, our emotional ties make us vulnerable to bad, and sometimes even unethical decisions. Keeping counsel at hand of trusted individuals who are not burdened by the emotional ties to your plans, and can provide insight of clarity and logic, can be quite invaluable.

So, for this week—especially if it is a challenging one—revisit your purpose. Allow your “feelings to fuel you.” Yet, as it says in Jeremiah 17:9 (NASB): “The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick. Who can understand it?” Often we cannot…nor should we. We should not go it alone.

Seek counsel. Seek advice. Build a board. As you prospect, network, and build new relationships, you will do more than just what feels right…

You will do what you know is right, and live long and prosper! Just as Leonard Nimoy did, in this life…and now the next. May his memory be a blessing.

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