Articles by Keith F. Luscher

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The Secret to Sales Script Success

You would not want to be in the courtroom, on the operating table or in the plane if the person in charge was not, in way, well scripted. The same is true for sales professionals.

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Which Comes First…the Smile or the Dial?

Chances are you have heard the expression “Keep smiling and dialing!” The idea is that people on the other end can sense it. But which comes first?

Do You Need Help with That?

Not long ago at the store I offered someone help with their groceries who clearly needed it, and initially met resistance. How often have we needed help, but refused?

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Everybody Prospects!

Drawing on more than 40 years of experience, Jim McCarty shares sales techniques known as Showbiz Selling. It begins with a mantra: Everybody Prospects.

Rejection IS Personal!

You shouldn’t let rejection get to you too much. After all, it’s not personal…or is it? Indeed, rejection is personal. Here’s why.

The Nature of Networking

The nature of true networking can be summed up in one question: If you were growing your own food, would you wait until you were hungry to plant your seeds?

Overcoming Fear of Rejection, Part 1

No one likes to be rejected in any of life’s situations. We all have fear of rejection, and we go to great lengths to protect our fragile egos.